SDG 16 Podcast: Peacebuilding and Peace Studies / Friedensforschung

Some thoughts about peacebuilding, peace research and how they relate to the SDG 16. Friedensforschung

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Wednesday Feb 05, 2025

F. Jedlicka explains the Legislation-Peace Nexus and points to some other articles he has published on and on pressenza com, covering topics like: media responsibility regarding terrorism, world peace from a peace research perspective, secularization, children's rights, LGBTIQ+ rights, domestic violence, SDG 5.2., peacebuilding, peace politics,  the ratifycrc issue, psychohistory, peace movement

Wednesday Feb 05, 2025

F. Jedlicka erklärt den Legislation-Peace Nexus und weist auf andere Artikel hin, die auf und pressenza com erschienen sind, u.a. über: Medienverantwortung bei der Berichterstattung über Terrorismus, den Weltfrieden aus Sicht der Friedensforschung, Säkularisierung, Geschlechtergerechtigkeit, LGBTIQ+ Rechte

Saturday Jan 11, 2025

Tradução automática do artigo “World Peace from a Peace Studies Perspective” ( ). Desculpe os erros. Tópicos discutidos: Democracia, Igualdade de gênero, Violência contra crianças e proteção infantil, Violência contra mulheres, Direitos LGBTIQ+, Psicologia da paz, Psicohistória, SDG 5, Ajuda ao desenvolvimento, Política de desenvolvimento, Política de paz ...

Saturday Jan 11, 2025

Traducción automática del artículo «World Peace from a Peace Researcher's Perspective» en . Rogamos disculpen los errores. Temas tratados: Periodismo de paz, psicología de paz, igualdad de género, democracia, violencia contra los niños, derechos de las personas LGBTIQ+, psicohistoria, política de paz, movimiento pacifista, protección de la infancia, violencia contra las mujeres, SDG 5, Triple Nexus

Saturday Jan 11, 2025

Une traduction automatique de l'article « How World Peace can be achieved from a Peace Research Perspective », publié sur . Veuillez excuser les erreurs. Thèmes: Alice Miller, Seville Statement on Violence, Arno Gruen, Theodor W. Adorno, Erich Fromm, Max Horkheimer, Else Frenkel-Brunswik, Sven Fuchs, George Lakoff, Valerie Hudson, HDP Nexus, Journalisme de paix, psychologie de la paix, mouvement de paix, SDG 5, égalité des sexes

Friday Jan 10, 2025

In this article, originally published on , peace researcher Franz Jedlicka explains some key factors fostering peaceful societies (democracy, a legal ban of ALL forms of violence, gender equality) and recommends learning from them. Triple Nexus, psychohistory, Resolution 1325, HeForShe, Valerie Hudson, peace movement, SDG 5, religions for peace, culture of peace, Alice Miller, White Ribbon Campaign, Rutger Bregman, 

Thursday Jan 09, 2025

Ein Artikel von Franz Jedlicka ( ) über Faktoren, die wichtig für einen Weltfrieden sind: Demokratie, ein konsequentes Verbot aller Formen von Gewalt, die Gleichberechtigung der Geschlechter (SDG 5), und was man von friedlichen Ländern lernen kann. Weiters: Friedensjournalismus, Friedenspsychologie, transgenerationales Trauma, Peacebuilding, Psychohistorie, Friedenspolitik, Frauenrechte LGBTIQ+ Rechte

Tuesday Nov 26, 2024

Peace researcher Franz Jedlicka explains why activism against domestic violence (against women, but also against children) is also important for the peace movement, and he talks about the intersectionality between violence against women and violence against children (two items in his Culture of Violence Scale, and: SDG 5.2 and SDG 16.2). He also mentions the White Ribbon Campaign and the campaign.

Tuesday Nov 26, 2024

Franz Jedlicka erklärt anlässlich der 16 Tage gegen Gewalt (Orange the World Kampagne), warum auch die Friedensbewegung sich gegen häusliche Gewalt (gegen Frauen und Kinder) engagieren muss, außerdem: die Intersektionalität zwischen Gewalt an Frauen und Gewalt an Kindern (SDG 5.2., SDG 16.2), die White Ribbon Kampagne, die Endcorporalpunishment Kampagne,  die HeForShe Bewegung und .

Tuesday Nov 05, 2024

What are the causes of wars? Peace researcher Franz Jedlicka explains why he thinks there is only one: a lack of empathy. His theory is based on his analysis of legislations worldwide regarding the question in which countries, in fact, different forms of violence are still legal (Culture of Violence Scale). Scientific evidence comes also from the biography research of Sven Fuchs ( ) regarding the childhood of warmongers and terrorists (political psychology).

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