SDG 16 Podcast: Peacebuilding and Peace Studies / Friedensforschung

Some thoughts about peacebuilding, peace research and how they relate to the SDG 16. Friedensforschung

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Tuesday Nov 26, 2024

Peace researcher Franz Jedlicka explains why activism against domestic violence (against women, but also against children) is also important for the peace movement, and he talks about the intersectionality between violence against women and violence against children (two items in his Culture of Violence Scale, and: SDG 5.2 and SDG 16.2). He also mentions the White Ribbon Campaign and the campaign.

Tuesday Nov 26, 2024

Franz Jedlicka erklärt anlässlich der 16 Tage gegen Gewalt (Orange the World Kampagne), warum auch die Friedensbewegung sich gegen häusliche Gewalt (gegen Frauen und Kinder) engagieren muss, außerdem: die Intersektionalität zwischen Gewalt an Frauen und Gewalt an Kindern (SDG 5.2., SDG 16.2), die White Ribbon Kampagne, die Endcorporalpunishment Kampagne,  die HeForShe Bewegung und .

Tuesday Nov 05, 2024

What are the causes of wars? Peace researcher Franz Jedlicka explains why he thinks there is only one: a lack of empathy. His theory is based on his analysis of legislations worldwide regarding the question in which countries, in fact, different forms of violence are still legal (Culture of Violence Scale). Scientific evidence comes also from the biography research of Sven Fuchs ( ) regarding the childhood of warmongers and terrorists (political psychology).

Tuesday Nov 05, 2024

Was sind die häufigsten Kriegsursachen? Der Soziologe Franz Jedlicka erklärt, warum er einen Mangel an Empathie als einzige Kriegsursache sieht, nennt dazu die weltweiten Daten, die er für seine Culture of Violence Scale verwendet und auf die Biographieforschung von Sven Fuchs, die man der Psychohistorie zuordnen kann. #: Friedenspsychologie, Friedensforschung, häusliche Gewalt, SDG 5, Kinderschutz, Kriegsursachenforschung, LGBTIQ Rechte, frühkindliche Entwicklung

Friday Aug 16, 2024

Franz Jedlicka discusses the question whether the separation of politics (especially the legislation) from religions could be key for world peace. It is NOT the question whether relgiosity is a good or bad thing. His peace research perspective stems from his Culture of Violence Scale 2023. Other topics mentioned in this episode: Secular studies (Phil Zuckerman, Ryan T. Cragun, Isabella Kasselstrand), the secularization theory of Ronald Inglehart, Johan Galtung (cultural violence, direct violence)

Friday Aug 16, 2024

Franz Jedlicka stellt die Frage zur Diskussion, ob eine Trennung von Religion und Politik, im Speziellen von der Legislative, zu mehr Friedlichkeit auf der Welt führen kann. Es geht NICHT darum, ob Religiosität generell friedensfördernd ist oder nicht. Ausgangspunkt für seine Frage ist die Culture of Violence Scale 2023. Außerdem:  Säkulare Studien (Phil Zuckerman, Ryan T. Cragun, Isabella Kasselstrand) und die Säkularisierungstheorie von Ronald Inglehart.

Monday Jul 22, 2024

As a peace researcher focusing on the roots of wars in childhood I regret seeing nearly no progress regarding child corporal punishment laws in many religious countries. Therefore in this podcast episode you can hear the Religions for Peace Declaration from their 2006 conference in Kyoto entitled "A multi-religious commitment to confront violence against children." Religious persons living in countries without a legal ban of child corporal punishment should remind others of this text.

Wednesday Jun 26, 2024

Franz Jedlicka explains why he considers the #endcorporalpunishment campaign aiming at legal bans of physical punishment of children essential for world peace. ACEs (adverse childhood experiences) have a negative impact on whole nations, whereas a nonviolent early childhood development lays the foundation for peacefool societies. Recommending a legal ban of child corporal punishment should be recommended in every triple nexus (HDP nexus) strategy within development policy (INSPIRE strategy)

Wednesday Jun 26, 2024

Franz Jedlicka spricht über einen wünschenswerten Schwerpunkt innerhalb der Gender Studies aus Sicht der Friedensforschung, nämlich die Erforschung der Entwicklung friedlicher Männlichkeit/en. Er erwähnt Literatur von Lonnie Athens (Violentization Theorie), Valerie Hudson, und vermutet, dass das Konzept der "caring masculinities" ein gutes Gegenmodell zu "militarised masculinity" ist: aktive Vaterschaft, gefördert etwa durch Väterkarenz.

Wednesday Jun 26, 2024

Franz Jedlicka talks about a possible nexus between peace research and gender studies, namely: exploring the development of peaceful masculinities, especially by examining parenting habits in the countries of the world. He mentions literature by Lonnie Athens (violentization theory), Valerie Hudson ( and her womenstats project, Theodor W. Adorno / E. Brunswick (authoritarian character) and argues that caring masculinities, active fatherhood, parental leave strategies could have an impact.


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